Timeshare specials

Frequently Asked Questions On Timeshare Specials

From a local point of view, buying South African Timeshare opens the door to overseas travel through RCI and other exchange organizations. This can be achieved relatively cheaply due to costs being paid locally and not impacted on by the exchange rate. From an overseas perspective timesharing can be purchased in South Africa by benefiting from a weak Rand in both the timeshare purchase price and levy contributions. In a nutshell an overseas buyer can purchase timeshare in South Africa without ever occupying, enjoying holidays on a continuous basis exchanging timeshare outside South Africa.

  • Faqs and Answers when Buying Timeshare

  • What are the various types of holiday ownership?
    • Fixed week timeshare ownership
    • Fractional ownership
    • Timeshare Points

  • What is the difference between the various forms of ownership?
    • Fixed week timeshare ownership is whereby you buy a particular week of the year at a resort that is of interest to you. You will have sole ownership of that week and will be able to use it at that resort every year.
    • Fractional ownership is pretty much the same however you would own more than one week ( In most cases it is 4 weeks that rotate every year ) at that particular development.
    • Timeshare Points, here you buy points / shares in various timeshare clubs. Based on the amount of points you own, you can book various weeks at any resorts on their stock portfolio both locally and abroad. In essence here you do not own any unit or week but rather shares / points which can be used to book timeshares

  • Which form of ownership is best for me?

    This is best answered in understanding you holiday requirements and one of our professional sales agents advising you accordingly.

  • How long will I own for?

    In most cases, the holiday ownership will be bought in perpetuity. There are however certain ownerships which can be bought on a lease period and owned for a limited period of time.

  • What happens to the holiday ownership on my passing?

    If the holiday ownership has been bought in perpetuity, this ownership can be left to any beneficiary of your choice. The same is true for holiday ownership that is bought on a lease period, provided that lease period has not expired.

  • Costs involved?

    Besides the initial purchase price ( which will vary depending on what type of holiday ownership you invest in ), you will be liable for a once-off admin & transfer fee and an annual levy.

  • Who will I be paying once I have decided on an option?

    • All funds will be paid into Timeshare Specials Trust account and will be held there until the transfer has been effected.
    • Levies and transfer fees will be dispersed where and when necessary.

  • Who facilitates the transfer process?

    Timeshare Specials will facilitate this process from start to finish.

  • What form of proof of ownership do I receive?

    Once the transfer has been registered, as the new owner you will either receive a Share Certificate or a Title Deed stating that you are the registered owner of the holiday ownership in question.

  • Can I sell my holiday ownership at any time?

    Yes, contact one of our sales agents to assist you in this regard.

  • What happens if I cannot make use of the holiday ownership for a particular year?

    Holiday owners can become members of various exchange companies and bank their holiday ownership. In return they will receive a holiday credit which can be redeemed by exchanging to various other times of the year at resorts across the world, while retaining ownership of their original purchase ( T & C’s apply with respect to these various exchange companies ).

    A Holiday owner also has the option to rent their ownership out, contact one of our rental agents to assist you in this regard.

  • Benefits?

    The benefit of owning timeshare would be more long term ( realised in the near short term ), which will prove a lot cheaper when holidaying versus paying hotel or rental amounts.
